Eleanor Harden of Louisville, Kentucky
recently presented Principal Reid Shipley
a check for $268,000 to be given as
scholarships for Centralia High School
students. The donation came from the
estate of Nelda
(Francis) Bundy,
a 1942 graduate of Centralia Township High
School. Ms. Bundy was a long time
commercial real estate agent in Louisville
prior to her death. Ms. Bundy's late
husband, Lavern Bundy, was also a graduate
of CTHS.
The CHSAA is very grateful
for the donation and would like to say
"THANK YOU" to friends and family of Ms.
Bundy. |
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join CHSAA?
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site and that your will return many times.
If you are not a current member of the
CHS Alumni Association we invite you to join now!
The Centralia High School Alumni
Association is an independent, not-for-profit,
membership-based organization. Membership
open to anyone who ever attended or graduated from CHS, taught
or worked at CHS, or feels the desire
to help the school in some way.
up now!
join CHSAA?
CHSAA members are alumni
who care about the welfare and future of Centralia High
School, its students, and its alumni community. The
Association provides a connection between CHS alumni and Centralia High
School; a platform for alumni to stay in
contact with each other, to encourage alumni support for
CHS, and provide scholarships and other benefits to CHS
students and graduates.
Members of CHSAA can communicate with class
members on our online Message Board, keep up to date
with what is going on at Centralia High School, be
informed of class reunions, participate in Association
activities, and take part in providing scholarships for
CHS graduates.
©2013 Centralia High School Alumni Association